Saturday, December 20, 2008

Merry Christmas!

hey everybody! i am soooo happy! well, actually, i am more tired than anything because i went to my friends sleepover and we stayed up late. 5:30am is our record for the latest (or in this case earliest) time that we have stayed up to. Anyway, the reason i am soooo happy is because there are only 5 days until Christmas! Then, tomorrow it will be 4, and the next day 3, and the next day.....well, i think you get the point! i hope that i get a cell phone for Christmas but i highly doubt that i will. my parents have been picking on me saying that they bought me a toy elmo cell phone but i really hope they dont do that. I really have NO idea what i am getting for Christmas this year! Usually, i have a pretty good guess but this year im stumped(stumped is my word of the day according to my word of the day calendar-JK!) for you older people - notice that i put older instead of old (your welcome)-JK means Just kidding! okay i am gonna shut up now, bye! and Merry Christmas to all 3 people who actually look at my blog!!! LOL.

Friday, December 19, 2008

okay its official! i LOVE twilight!!! i am fixing to start the last book!- which is breaking dawn by the way. look at what i have for my desktop on my computer! (below) from left to right: James-i dont know his real name-hes okay, edward cullen-robert pattinson is his real name-he's hot, and jacob black-taylor launter is his real name-he's really hot! LOL. anyway, i am gonna stop rambling. i sound like my mom! ahhhhhh!!! (LOL.)

***i had to post the link because my computer is not doing right and it said that it couln't respond or somthing like that. tell me if it doesnt work or something. bye! :)