Saturday, October 25, 2008


okay, we have this halloween decoration on our front door. we cant figure out wat it meens! all we know is that it says "pumpkin through" on it (whatevr thats sposed 2 mean)and that we got it for 5 dollars so who really cares? LOL. theres a pic of it below. leave a comment if yew can figure it out!!! bye!!! : P

Saturday, October 18, 2008

6 Random Things

I copied this from my cousin(or second, or third cousin, i dont know), Tonya. No, literally, i copied and pasted it from her blog!

First, here are the rules:

  • Link to the person who tagged you. (Done)Post the rules on your blog. (Done)Write six random things about yourself. (OH, SO DONE!)Tag six people at the end of your post. (I'm skipping this, you're all invited)Let each person know he or she has been tagged. (Again, you're ALL invited)Let the tagger know when your entry is up (will do)

  • As for who I’m tagging?? Anyone who wants to participate!

Ok, here are some random things that most people dont know about me:

  1. I play the piano and have been taking lessons for 4 (fixing to be 5) years.
  2. I have two horses. Their names are Camilla and Ginger.
  3. I've been playing soccer for 9 years now, and I still love it.
  4. Pickles and poptarts are like my favoritest food in the WHOLE world. [yum!]
  5. My favorite movie is Nightmare Before Christmas. My mom said that when I was little, it was kind of scary how much I liked it.
  6. I like to have friends over
  • Okay, I'm done!!!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

What I did today...

ok, gess what i did today??? well, i got to mow the grass and clean up the yard!!! yay![sarcasm]It was really boring, not to mention hot. although, i did get 2 play soccer after i was done! (im not bein sarcastic this time). anyway, got 2 go! bye!

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Funniest Video Ever!!!

OMG! This video is like the funniest video in the HISTORY of funny videos! It's called Fred goes swimming. This is actually a series on youtube, but this is my favorite. Here's what it is about. A 6-year-old with anger management issues and an alcoholic mom who's not supposed to be using her video camera to post videos. Also, there is a bully, named Kevin, and a little girl named Judy, which he likes. Hope you like it! (click on the link below) Also, there is a pic of him beside this. As you can tell, he looks way different when he is serious.